Legendary Survivor Title is a insanely delicate title track to do on ones own ... and having sum1 do it for u is an even longer pain staking feat ...
I have two Legendary - Ranger and Dervish ... Dervish I sped thru during 2x capping weekend so he doesnt count in figuring out how much to charge u ... my Ranger took me about 90 hrs to get the Legendary Survivor Title ...
prior to her title, she was sitting at Abaddons Mouth, Arbostone, & Grand Court ... I did all of the mission with henchies except for a couple noob island ones, Consulate Docks ... so technically I could of brought a live person along ...
I could prolly get the title done for u in about 100 hours ... but its very very pricey ... I dont budge for under 10k/hour ... wat I offer above regular "power-levelers" is majority Game completion(well over 50% of all missions done, many of them masters/bonus) along with elite skills capping ... If interestd and have that kind of money let me kno ... we can hammer out the details later ...